My Global Learning Courses & Experiences
Global Learning Courses & Experiences
Below are some global courses and events that especially stood out to me.

Psychology of Health & Illness
I took this course as part of a study abroad in India, which was an exciting experience because instead of reading textbooks or watching media, I was able to witness the Indian healthcare first hand! I learned, and met, community health workers called ASHAs that are responsible for providing first aid care and ensuring that individuals attend doctors appointments.
I also learned about different traditional wellness based medical practices such as yoga and Ayurveda. Not only did I have the opportunity to visit an Ayurvedic hospital, I also got to watch one of my classmates receive a treatment!

Salon Talk
The "My Beautiful Black Hair" book reading and conversation touched me. Not only did I receive a free book of Black women discussing the love they felt towards their hair, but I also was able to hear about a passion project that was in reality a love letter from an older sister to her younger sister. This event reminded me that all our actions have tangible impacts on the people around us. Every time I crack open the book, I think about the fact that it all came to fruition because a little girl felt insecure about her hair, and her older sister -- a writer -- threw her talents into something that would be powerful, lasting, and far reaching.

African Civilizations
There is a lot of misinformation of Africa, a fact that this course opened up with addressing. Although I am African myself, I am nowhere near an expert in African history. I took this course because I wanted to learn more information on the tumultuous but triumphant history of my home.
I enjoyed the thought experiments of essay topics that ranged from a reflection on the way we viewed our own identity to deeply conceptualizing the lasting impacts of colonization on the continent.

Women Who Lead Conference
Volunteering at the Women Who Lead Conference was an insightful and uplifting experience. I enjoyed working as a conversation facilitator during the Mentoring speed rounds. I was able to not only gain valuable information about a professor's path to her current position, but learn about other students' majors and the ways they have been present in the community.